Capture the adventurous and daring spirit of the barnstormers of the ’20s and ’30s.
Barnstorming was a form of entertainment where pilots, men and women, performed death defying aerial stunts. Barnstorming was the first major form of civil aviation in history. These pilots would travel throughout the country and sell airplane rides and perform their stunts. Many of the stunts included spins, dives, loop-the-loops, barrel rolls, and flying through barns. Brave aerialists would perform wing walking, stunt parachuting, mid-air plane transfers, and even dancing on the plane’s wings. Often these barnstormers would worked in solitude or in very small teams. Others would put together large “flying circuses” that had several planes and stunt people. Modern pilots have restored vintage aircraft and continued the barnstorming tradition. You can ride in an open cockpit biplane or see the scary tricks in airports around the country.